VSand v1.3.0

Hello everyone !

Today is the release of the 1.3.0.

  • New material: Acid!

Acid melt almost everything, except Sand. Acid will also release a bit of water when it melt something wet (dirt, plant, grass). Not really realistic, but I kept that because it could bring some interesting situations with plant and dirt. 

Adding a new material always bring the same question: should I make it more realistic (so acid should barely melt concrete, plant on fire should release vapor... etc), or should I try to stick to the original game, and keep reactions interesting, even if it's less realistic. For now, I try to keep a balance between all of that.

  • Reduce Memory footprint

I spent some time with VisualVM (a benchmark tool) to reduce the ram usage. Basically, some fixes (one memory leak!) and creating way less objects help to improve memory usage, and increase performances a bit. Even if the limiting component is the GPU here, it still help to increase performances if you don't have a dedicated graphic card. On my intel laptop, I get 5-10 fps more.

  • Bugs, Optimizations...

Various improvements of the code. VSand now use LWJGL version 3.2.3.

The number of materials start to be hard to handle manually. There is 25 materials in total: the common ones you can see on screen (Sand, Water ...), and the ones issues from transformation (liquid wax, grass, boiling lava, acid vapor...). I made some code to make the definition of a new material and its reactions easier to write.

If you have some suggestions, let me know in comments :-).


VSand windows 32 MB
Version 1.3.0 Sep 01, 2019
VSand linux 37 MB
Version 1.3.0 Sep 01, 2019

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